

We have always believed in an architecture that could provide powerful new experiences. At UNStudio, such experiences are derived from conceptual models and theoretical ideas transforming to become physical, tactile and functional. From the outset, we set about developing architectural systems from such models; integrated systems where the experience, geometry and functionality of the building merge and become fully synthesised. But while compiling this annual report gave us a wonderful opportunity to look back and re-think the conceptual thinking that has always formed the basis of our work, it is as much about the future as it is about our own history. Now, more than ever, integrated system thinking is essential to design if architects are to be in a position to play their part in tackling climate change, bringing about social inclusivity and guarding against periods of economic downturn.
- Ben van Berkel, Founder and Principal Architect, UNStudio

“Thinking and shaping the future together – architects and our industry consider the same things in their approach to improving impressions of space and living conditions. Architects strive to improve spatial qualities and we, the lighting industry, support them in implementing these aspirations. A major information and transformation process is underway, providing many new opportunities for these goals. The combination of design and planning with technical tools such as LED and light control allow us to address individual needs holistically.”
- Isabel Zumtobel, Head of Arts & Culture, Zumtobel Group

In these rapidly changing times, we increasingly embrace change and innovation. In all facets of our lives, we deviate, modify, shift and pivot to challenge and disrupt long accepted norms. Transformation has also always been a central facet of the architectural profession, the built environment and of the work of UNStudio.

In Transform, the conceptual thinking that has formed the basis of UNStudio’s designs for over 30 years is illustrated, demonstrating how theoretical ideas and conceptual models are developed by the practice into physical form.

As a collaboration between international architecture practice UNStudio and graphic design duo Bloemendaal & Dekkers, Zumtobel’s 31st annual report is a design reflection on transformation.

Publisher: Lars Müller
Language: English
Artistic Annual Report designed by UNStudio
Graphic design by Bloemendaal & Dekkers
Bookbinding by Boekbinderij Patist
Printed by Booxs
Book edge (Glowing Ink) printed by Buchbinderei Richard Mayer GmbH
Print details: 165 x 120 mm2 / 317 pages / full colour / soft cover 
Published: 2022