Buy Me a Mercedes-Benz Buy Me a Mercedes-Benz

Buy Me a Mercedes-Benz

This book about the Mercedes-Benz Museum is more than the document of a remarkable project: the book shows how various forms of expert knowledge have been combined and interwoven to finally result in the Mercedes-Benz Museum. It gives an insight into the various ideas, experiences and ambitions behind the project. At its basis was a unique design model: the digitally programmed, three-dimensional, cross-connected trefoil. Implementing this model has resulted in a building that radically breaks with many of today’s architectural conventions. The aim of the book is to allow the visitor of the Mercedes-Benz Museum to take the building home; it recreates the experience of visiting the complex, yet strongly directional structure which provides many surprising perceptual experiences. 
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Buy Me a Mercedes-Benz: The Book of the Museum
UNStudio and HG Merz
Publisher: Actar, Barcelona

Pages: 566 25 x 18 cm
ISBN: 84-96540-37-5 (English)
ISBN: 84-96540-36-7 (German)
Recommended price: 44 euro